9. The Appointed Saviour

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Diagram showing prophets and apostles pointing to Christ


You might protest, “But wasn’t Jesus Christ just a prophet?”€ Jesus Christ is more than a prophet. He is also a priest and a king. As a prophet, He revealed God to man. As a priest, He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice to save sinners and He continues to act on behalf of His people before God the Father in heaven. As a king, He rules over the universe. He is able to fulfil these three offices because He is one Person with two natures – the human and the divine.

All the prophets pointed to Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world. Many people today claim that they believe in the prophets before Jesus Christ, but they never take the trouble to read their writings which are all found in that part of the Bible called the Old Testament. The five books of Moses (the Torah) are there. The writings of David (the Mazmur or Zabur) are there. And so are the writings of all the other prophets.

“But didn’t Jesus Christ receive a book, called the Gospel, from God?” No. Jesus Christ is Himself God and He need not write any book. The books in that part of the Bible called the New Testament were written by His followers, or apostles. They include the four Gospels and other writings. These books all point to Jesus Christ as the Saviour who fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament.

As Prophet, Priest, and King Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and man. He is the Saviour God has appointed to save sinners.


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