14. Evolution Cannot Be True!

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Diagram of animals transforming from one kind to another


‘But hasn’t “Evolution”€™ proven the Bible to be untrue?’€ No, it hasn’€™t. “Evolution” is not a proven fact. It is an attempt to explain the origin of man by leaving out God. It claims itself to be scientific when, in fact, it is not. A big story is built up based on just a few pieces of fossil bones found here and there, and on observations of similarities and differences in animal species which could be explained better in other ways. Based on the same bones, different “€˜experts”€™ have come up with different pictures of what they think prehistoric men looked like.

If man has evolved gradually from apes, and apes from some other animals, we should be able to find creatures that are in between. We do not find anywhere in the world a creature that is between ape and man. No bones of such a creature have been found. Because of this difficulty, some evolutionists are now saying that big “€˜jumps”€™ occurred. But it is ridiculous to believe that a fish had suddenly changed into a crocodile, and a crocodile had suddenly changed into an elephant, etc.

The Bible clearly teaches that God created all creatures, each according to its kind. A lion is not a cow. An ape is not a man. Man was the highest creature made by God so that he could think, understand, and worship. In fact, the remains of past creatures found in the earth support, rather than contradict, the Bible’s account of creation.

Science is a wonderful field of studies. Christian scientists have contributed tremendously to scientific discoveries. Their faith in Jesus Christ stands in contrast to the many unbelieving evolutionists. We must remember that evolutionists are mere men, however clever they may think they are. Why should we believe in the ideas that come from men who reject God?

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