1. God, Our Creator

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God in relation to man.


A son will have a father. Human beings will have a Creator. God created all things out of nothing. He also created man. As Creator, He has every right to our lives. He owes us nothing, while we owe Him everything. He demands that we worship Him. Yet, not everyone worships Him. He wants us to worship Him in the way He has prescribed for us in the Bible. Yet, not everyone takes the trouble to find out what is that way.

God knows all things, and He is in control of all things. Nothing happens by chance. There is no such thing as “fate€”. God planned for all things to happen, and He ensures that all things happen exactly as He has planned. The fact that you are reading this book is known to God and was planned by Him.

God is love. He is merciful and forgiving. He is perfect love. He is perfectly merciful and forgiving. Therefore, He wants to accept man – however sinful and wicked he may be. We like to think of these characteristics of God.

We must not forget that God is also holy, pure and just. He is perfectly holy, perfectly pure, and perfectly just. This means that He must punish any person who sins – however small the sin may be.

God wants to accept sinful man. God must also reject him. God wants to forgive sinful man. God must also punish him. Two seemingly contradictory things must be done to satisfy the whole of God’s character.

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