5. God’s Wrath

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A sinner under God's wrath.


Let me tell you something you can be sure of. You will still be a sinful and guilty person on the day you die. You will not be able to enter heaven. Instead, you deserve to be cast into hell!

Consider yourself now. Are you sinless? No, you are not. You may resolve not to sin anymore. You may resolve to perform your religious rites more faithfully. Tomorrow, I shall ask you again, “Are you sinless?” Your answer will be the same, “No, I am not.” You know that you will deserve to be sent to hell tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. You know that on the day you die, whether it is two years later or twenty years later, you will still be sinful and deserve to be sent to hell.

God is provoked to wrath by your sins. His holy anger burns against every sin and against every sinner. It is not right to say that “€œGod hates sins but loves the sinner.” The one who sins against God is guilty before Him. The sinner deserves to be punished sufficiently to satisfy the justice of God.

Two things are clear now:

(i) God is angry with you every day of your life because of your sins.

(ii) Anytime that you die, you will deserve to be sent to hell.


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